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a little bit about me

my name is florrie. i was born in spring. i love the colour pink, soft music, daydreaming, talking to plants, and things that embody memories. i am an education undergraduate and a student of child psychology. tulips are my favourite flower and i try to always have them in my home. i'm an avid mary oliver reader. i work as a kindergarten teacher and in my free time i like to tend to my garden and write.
"i felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery — air, mountains, trees, people. i thought, this is what it is to be happy."
things i love: the sounds of birds in the early morning. chamomile tea. writting by hand. claude monet paintings. little flowers that grow against odds in random places. watching clouds float across the sky. little jumping bugs, like leafhoppers and cicadas. kissing cats on their little heads. lying in the grass.

things i dislike: people who use the word childish as an insult. fireworks that scare the cats and dogs. bad translations of poetry. being caught outside during a thunderstorm. the smell of kerosene. people who don't eat the bread crusts. converting kilometers to miles. poached eggs. being interrupted while reading.